Structural Organisation in Animals

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In which of the following connective tissues do the cells not secrete collagen?

a. Blood b. Cartilage c. Bone d. Adipose

  1. Only a

  2. Only a and c

  3. Only a and d

  4. Only a and b

  5. Only b, c and d

Correct Option: A

This is the correct option. Except blood, in all connective tissues, the cells secrete collagen, which are fibres of structural proteins.

Epithelial tissues are the tissues that cover the whole surface of a body. Which of the following statements is/are not true?

a. Epithelial tissue has a free surface that faces either a body fluid or the outside environment. b. In them, the cells are compactly packed with little intercellular matrix. c. They perform the function of linking and supporting other tissues and organs of the body.

  1. Only a

  2. Only a and b

  3. Only b

  4. Only b and c

  5. Only c

Correct Option: E

This is the correct option as this is not a property of epithelial tissue. The connective tissues perform the function of linking and supporting other tissues and organs of the body.

Which of the following statements is/are false?

a. An earthworm's body is divided into more than hundred similar short segments. b. In an earthworm, there are two pairs of testes present in the 12th and 13th segments. c. An earthworms first body segment, that contains the mouth, is called the peristomium.

  1. Only a

  2. Only a and b

  3. Only b

  4. Only b and c

  5. Only c

Correct Option: C

This is the correct option as this statement is false. In an earthworm, there are two pairs of testes present in the 10th and 11th segments.

Which of the following statements is/are false about frogs?

a. Frogs are called cold-blooded as their body temperature varies with the temperature of the environment. b. Fertilisation is external in frogs, that takes place in water. c. The colour of dorsal side of the body of a frog is pale yellow with dark irregular spots.

  1. Only a

  2. Only a and b

  3. Only b

  4. Only b and c

  5. Only c

Correct Option: E

This is the correct option as this statement is false. The colour of dorsal side of the body of a frog is olive green with dark irregular spots.

The anterior part of a female cockroach's genital pouch contains which of the following?

a. Gonopore b. Dorsal anus c. Spermathecal pores d. Gonapophysis

  1. Only a and c

  2. Only b and d

  3. Only a and b

  4. Only a and d

  5. Only b and c

Correct Option: A

This is the correct option. The anterior part of a female cockroach's genital pouch contains gonopore and spermathecal pores.

Earthworms have long reddish-brown cylindrical bodies. Which of the following parts of an earthworm increase(s) the effective area of absorption in the intestine?

  1. Typhlosole

  2. Gizzard

  3. Oesophagus

  4. Calciferous glands

  5. Pharynx

Correct Option: A

This is the correct option. Typhlosole increases the effective area of absorption in the intestine. 

Match the following:

a. Squamous epithelium 1. It is made of a single thin layer of flattened cells with irregular boundaries.
b. Cuboidal epithelium 2. It is made of a single layer of tall and slender cells.
c. Columnar epithelium 3. It is made of a single layer of cube-like cells.
  1. a - 2, b - 3, c - 1

  2. a - 3, b - 1, c - 2

  3. a - 1, b - 3, c - 2

  4. a - 1, b - 2, c - 3

  5. a - 2, b - 1, c - 3

Correct Option: C

This is the correct option. Squamous epithelium is made of a single thin layer of flattened cells with irregular boundaries. Cuboidal epithelium is composed of a single layer of cube-like cells. Columnar epithelium is composed of a single layer of tall and slender cells.

Cockroaches belong to Phylum Arthropoda. Which of the following is/are not present in the mouth of a cockroach?

  1. Maxillae

  2. Labium

  3. Mandible

  4. Prothorax

  5. Labrum

Correct Option: D

This is the correct option. Prothorax is not a mouth part of a cockroach. 

The brain of a frog is divided into three parts - forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain. Which of the following is/are a part of the midbrain of a frog?

  1. Olfactory lobes

  2. Optical lobes

  3. Cerebellum

  4. Paired cerebral hemispheres

  5. Medulla oblongata

Correct Option: B

This is the correct option as optical lobes are a part of the midbrain of a frog.

Among the types of muscle tissues, which of the following is not a property of smooth muscles?

  1. The fibres of these muscles taper at both ends.

  2. The smooth muscles are bundled together in a connective tissue sheath.

  3. Cell junctions fuse the plasma membranes of these muscle cells, making them stick together.

  4. The walls of internal organs of organisms contain this type of muscle tissues.

  5. They are 'involuntary'.

Correct Option: C

This is the correct option as this is not a property of smooth muscles. Cell junctions fuse the plasma membranes of cardiac muscle cells and make them stick together.

In a frog, the digested food is absorbed by numerous finger-like folds. They are called

  1. duodenum

  2. cloaca

  3. villi

  4. vasa efferentia

  5. oesophagus

Correct Option: C

This is the correct option. In a frog, the digested food is absorbed by numerous finger-like folds in the inner wall of intestine, called villi.

Earthworm is a terrestrial invertebrate in which segments 14-16 are covered by a prominent dark band of glandular tissue called

  1. setae

  2. clitellum

  3. nephridiopore

  4. prostomium

  5. None of these

Correct Option: B

This is the correct option as earthworm is a terrestrial invertebrate in which segments 14-16 are covered by a prominent dark band of glandular tissue called clitellum.

Which of the following body parts help(s) in the removal of excretory products from haemolymph of a cockroach?

  1. Gizzard

  2. Gastric caecae

  3. Pharynx

  4. Malpighian tubules

  5. Spermatophores

Correct Option: D

This is the correct option. Malpighian tubules help in the removal of excretory products from haemolymph.

In dense connective tissues, the fibres and fibroblasts are compactly packed. Which of the following is/are an example of dense connective tissues?

  1. Cartilage

  2. Areolar tissue

  3. Adipose tissue

  4. Tendons

  5. Blood

Correct Option: D

This is the correct option. Tendons are an example of dense connective tissues.

The function of which of the following is to move particles or mucus in a specific direction over the epithelium?

  1. Squamous epithelium

  2. Cuboidal epithelium

  3. Columnar epithelium

  4. Ciliated epithelium

  5. Glandular epithelium

Correct Option: D

This is the correct option. The function of ciliated epithelium is to move particles or mucus in a specific direction over the epithelium.

Match the following:

a. Septal nephridia 1. It is present as three paired tufts in the 4th, 5th and 6th segments.
b. Integumentary nephridia 2. It is attached to lining of the body wall of segment 3 to the last that opens on the body surface.
c. Pharyngeal nephridia 3. It is present on both the sides of intersegmental septa of segment 15 to the last that opens into the intestine.
  1. a - 2, b - 3, c - 1

  2. a - 2, b - 1, c - 3

  3. a - 1, b - 2, c - 3

  4. a - 3, b - 2, c - 1

  5. a - 3, b - 1, c - 2

Correct Option: D

This is the correct option. Septal nephridia is present on both the sides of intersegmental septa of segment 15 to the last that opens into the intestine. Integumentary nephridia is attached to lining of the body wall of segment 3 to the last that opens on the body surface.

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