Reaching the Age of Adolescence (Class VIII)

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Which of the following statements is/are false?

a. Hormones bring changes in a child's body and make him grow into an adult. b. The transitional period of physical and mental development that occurs between childhood and adulthood is called adolescence. c. The period during which girls reach sexual maturity and become capable of reproduction is called menopause.

  1. Only a

  2. Both a and b

  3. Only b

  4. Both b and c

  5. Only c

Correct Option: E

This is the correct option as this statement is false. The period during which girls reach sexual maturity and become capable of reproduction is called puberty.

Which of the following statements is/are false?

a. The height of a person depends on the genes inherited from the parents. b. The growth of voice box in girls is much more as compared to the growth of voice box in boys. c. Adam's apple is a feature of throat of grown up boys.

  1. Only a

  2. Both a and b

  3. Only b

  4. Both b and c

  5. Only c

Correct Option: C

This is the correct option as this statement is false. The growth of voice box in boys is much more as compared to the growth of voice box in girls.

In puberty, many changes occur in the bodies of both boys and girls. Which of the following is not a characteristic of puberty?

  1. Reproductive system of boys and girls start to function.

  2. Sex hormones begin to be produced.

  3. In this period, rapid physical growth occurs.

  4. Puberty tends to start earlier in boys than in girls.

  5. Puberty is marked by the development of secondary sexual characteristics in boys and girls.

Correct Option: D

This is the correct option as this is not a characteristic of puberty. Puberty tends to start earlier in girls than in boys.

Which of the following glands secrete more than one hormone?

a. Pituitary gland b. Thyroid gland c. Pancreas d. Adrenal gland

  1. Both a and b

  2. Both a and c

  3. Both a and d

  4. Both b and c

  5. Both b and d

Correct Option: C

This is the correct option. Pituitary gland secretes a number of hormones. For example, growth hormone. Adrenal gland secretes adrenaline hormone and aldosterone hormone.

Which of the following statements is/are false?

a. The first occurrence of periods at puberty is called menarche. b. Menstruation stops permanently when a women reaches the age of about 45 to 50 years. c. The process of ovulation and menstruation in women is called menopause.

  1. Only a

  2. Both a and b

  3. Only b

  4. Both b and c

  5. Only c

Correct Option: E

This is the correct option as this statement is false. The process of ovulation and menstruation in women is called menstrual cycle.

Which of the following glands work both as an endocrine gland as well as an exocrine gland?

a. Adrenal gland b. Pancreas c. Ovaries d. Pituitary gland

  1. Both a and b

  2. Both a and c

  3. Both a and d

  4. Both b and c

  5. Both b and d

Correct Option: D

This is the correct option. Pancreas and ovaries both work as an endocrine gland as well as an exocrine gland.

In a frog, the change from tadpole to adult frog is brought about by which of the following hormones?

  1. Insulin hormone

  2. Adrenaline hormone

  3. Aldosterone hormone

  4. Thyroxine hormone

  5. Testosterone hormone

Correct Option: D

This is the correct option. In a frog, the change from tadpole to adult frog is brought about by thyroxine hormone. This change from tadpole to adult frog is called metamorphosis.

Which of the following glands is attached to the base of the brain?

  1. Ovaries

  2. Pancreas

  3. Thyroid gland

  4. Adrenal gland

  5. Pituitary gland

Correct Option: E

This is the correct option as pituitary gland is attached to the base of the brain.

Early marriage causes a lot of problems for the young mothers as well as for the baby. Which of the following is/are the problems brought about by early marriage in girls leading to early motherhood?

  1. Girls younger than 18 years of age are not prepared physically or mentally for motherhood.

  2. Early marriage and motherhood reduces the chance of higher education for girls.

  3. Early marriage and motherhood causes agony to the girl.

  4. Early marriage and motherhood causes health problems to the mother and child.

  5. All of the above

Correct Option: E

This is the correct option as all of the above are the problems brought about by early marriage in girls leading to early motherhood.

Which of the following hormones prepares our body to function at maximum efficiency during emergency situations?

  1. Aldosterone hormone

  2. Insulin hormone

  3. Adrenaline hormone

  4. Thyroxine hormone

  5. Growth hormone

Correct Option: C

This is the correct option. Adrenaline hormone prepares our body to function at maximum efficiency during emergency situations.

Which of the following glands secrete products directly into the blood stream?

a. Pituitary gland b. Sebaceous gland c. Thyroid gland d. Sweat gland

  1. Both a and b

  2. Both b and c

  3. Both b and d

  4. Both a and c

  5. Both a and d

Correct Option: D

This is the correct option. Pituitary and thyroid glands are endocrine glands.

Match the following:

Name of the hormone Secreteing gland
a. Aldosterone 1. Pituitary gland
b. Insulin 2. Adrenal gland
c. Growth hormone 3. Pancreas
  1. a - 2, b - 3, c - 1

  2. a - 2, b - 1, c - 3

  3. a - 1, b - 2, c - 3

  4. a - 3, b - 2, c - 1

  5. a - 1, b - 3, c - 2

Correct Option: A

This is the correct option. Aldosterone hormone is secreted by adrenal gland. Insulin is secreted by pancreas. Growth hormone is secreted by pituitary gland.

Which of the following glands is/are the small gland(s) in the skin that secrete(s) an oil through the skin pores to lubricate and protect the surface of the skin?

  1. Sweat glands

  2. Sebaceous glands

  3. Pituitary glands

  4. Thyroid gland

  5. Pancreas

Correct Option: B

This is the correct option. Sebaceous glands are the small glands in the skin that secrete an oil through the skin pores to lubricate and protect the surface of the skin.

The secondary sexual characteristics in girls are produced by the female sex hormone called _________, which is made in the ovaries.

  1. estrogen

  2. testosterone

  3. thyroxin

  4. insulin

  5. adrenaline

Correct Option: A

This is the correct option. The secondary sexual characteristics in girls are produced by the female sex hormone called estrogen, which is made in the ovaries.

Puberty tends to start earlier in girls than in boys. Which of the following is not a change that occurs in girls during puberty?

  1. Feelings and sexual drives associated with adulthood begin to develop.

  2. Rapid increase in height occurs.

  3. Hips of girls broaden.

  4. Ovaries start to produce sperms.

  5. Ovaries, oviducts, uterus and vagina enlarge.

Correct Option: D

This is the correct option as this is not a change that occurs in girls during puberty. Ovaries do not produce sperms. They start to release eggs.

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