Biology Test

Description: This test is based on certain topics from biology which are highly beneficial for learning aspirants
Number of Questions: 25
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Tags: Tapetum Endosperm Anther pistil genes DNA chromosomes etc. Gene Expression and Regulation Regulation of Gene Expression Cytoplasmic Inheritance Genetics and Evolution Tools of Genetic Engineeering Tools of Genetic Engineering Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance
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Which of the following types of mouse models uses the cre-lox system?

  1. Gene knock-outs

  2. Gene knock-ins

  3. Gene overexpression

  4. Conditional knock-outs

Correct Option: D

The cre-lox system creates conditional knock-outs, with gene inactivation occurring only after the activation of cre- recombinase.

Which of the following repeated sequences includes an open reading frame for reverse transcriptase?

  1. LINE

  2. Copy-number variations

  3. Segmental duplications

  4. Pseudogenes

Correct Option: A

LINE includes an open reading frame for reverse transcriptase.

Mr. X is found to be homozygous for the e4 allele at ApoE. Which of the following statements regarding his risk of Alzheimer disease is true?

  1. He will almost certainly develop Alzheimer disease.

  2. He is protected from Alzheimer disease.

  3. He is at increased risk of Alzheimer disease.

  4. This result has no bearing on his risk of Alzheimer disease.

Correct Option: C

The e4 allele is associated with an increased relative risk of Alzheimer disease, but it is not diagnostic.

A study of a disorder reveals that monozygotic twins are concordant 30-40% of the time, whereas full siblings are concordant 20% of the time. Which of the following is the best interpretation of this finding?

  1. The trait has no genetic component.

  2. The trait is completely determined by genetics.

  3. Genes contribute to the trait, but are not deterministic.

  4. The trait must be due to the biology of twinning.

Correct Option: C

There is an increased twin concordance, suggestive of a genetic contribution, but since twins are not fully concordant, other non-genetic factors must also be involved.

A trait has a population frequency of 1 : 10,000, but a population study reveals that the recurrence risk in sibs is 1 : 100. What is the value of ls?

  1. 1000

  2. 100

  3. 10

  4. 1

Correct Option: B

ls = risk in sibs/risk in population = (1/100)/(1/10,000) = 100

A couple have a child with a trait believed to be determined by multifactorial inheritance. There is no known family history of the disorder. Which of the following statements is true regarding their recurrence risk?

  1. They are not at increased risk due to the absence of prior family history.

  2. They are only at increased risk if they are related to one another.

  3. They are only at increased risk if the next child is of the same sex as the previously affected child.

  4. They are at increased risk, which can be estimated from empirical data.

Correct Option: D

Empirical data is used in counseling for multifactorial inheritance.

The purpose of adding phytohemagglutinin to peripheral blood cultures for chromosomal analysis is

  1. stimulation of lymphocyte cell division

  2. chromosome condensation

  3. collection of large number of cells at metaphase

  4. swelling of cells to permit chromosome visualization

Correct Option: A

Phytohemagglutinin stimulates the division of T-cells.

Which of the following is caused by the microdeletion of chromosome 7q11.2?

  1. Cowden syndrome

  2. Li-Fraumeni syndrome

  3. Williams syndrome

  4. Angelman syndrome

Correct Option: C

It is a chromosomal disorder and can be transmitted as dominant trait. It is caused by the microdeletion of chromosome 7q11.2 leading to deletion of elastin gene. It isusually not visible cytogenetically, but detectable by FISH or comparative genomic hybridization.

Which of the following individuals is mosaic?

  1. 47, XXX

  2. 47, XYY

  3. 47, XXY

  4. 45, X

Correct Option: D

45, X karyotype is due to nondisjunction or loss of a structurally abnormal X or Y chromosome. They are mosaics, with a cell line containing 46 chromosomes with a structurally abnormal chromosome X or Y.

The rocker bottom feet is a major symptom of

  1. trisomy 13

  2. trisomy 18

  3. trisomy 21

  4. trisomy 15

Correct Option: A

Children with trisomy 13 are born with low birth weight and have multiple congenital anomalies. Most notable are facial anomalies, including hypotelorism, cleft lip and palate with rocker bottom feet.

Which among the following is caused by microdeletion of chromosome 22q11.2?

  1. Velo-cardio-facial syndrome

  2. Fragile X syndrome

  3. Rett syndrome

  4. Bloom syndrome

Correct Option: A

It is a chromosomal disorder and is caused by microdeletion of chromosome 22q11.2. It is not visible cytogenetically, but detectable by FISH or comparative genomic hybridization.

Which of the following disorders is caused by mutation in ATM gene?

  1. Thrombophilias

  2. Hemophilias

  3. Ataxia-telangiectasia

  4. Hemoglobinopathies

Correct Option: C

It is an autosomal recessive disorder. It is caused by mutation in ATM gene, which encodes a protein involved in the detection of DNA damage.

Which among the following is an autosomal recessive disease?

  1. Acute intermittent porphyria

  2. Leber hereditary optic neuropathy

  3. Lesch-Nyhan syndrome

  4. Homocystinuria

Correct Option: D

It is an autosomal recessive disease. It is caused by mutation in CBS gene, encoding cystathionine beta-synthase.

Which among the following is caused by mutation in OPN1LW and OPN1MW genes?

  1. Red-Green colour blindness

  2. Hereditary deafness

  3. Tyrosinemia

  4. Galactosemia

Correct Option: A

It is a X-linked recessive disease. It is caused by mutation in OPN1LW and OPN1MW, encoding red and green sensitive opsins. These genes are clustered on the X chromosome, with one red pigment gene followed by 1-6 green pigment genes. Unequal crossover events between these genes lead to creation of non-expressed hybrid genes and deletions.

Which function is performed by an oncogene activated by the 8;14 translocation in Burkitt lymphoma?

  1. Cell membrane receptor

  2. Transcription factor

  3. DNA mismatch repair

  4. Cell cycle control

Correct Option: B

The 8;14 translocation activates the myc oncogene, which is a transcription factor.

Microsatellite instability is associated with

  1. hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer

  2. familial adenomatous polyposis

  3. hereditary breast cancer

  4. Neurofibromatosis

Correct Option: A

Microsatellite instability results from aberrant mismatch repair and is characteristic of HNPCC.

Response of non-small cell lung cancer to gefitinib is predicted by mutation in

  1. EGF receptor gene

  2. NF1 gene

  3. Myc oncogene

  4. ABL gene

Correct Option: A

Approximately 10% of patients with non-small cell lung cancer respond to gefitinib, which is predicted by EGF receptor gene mutation.

A couple gone for counseling following first trimester miscarriages. As part of their evaluation, both the parents had chromosomal analysis. The father is found to have the karyotype 46, XY, inv8(p13q23). What interpretation is drawn?

  1. This is a normal variant, likely of no significance.

  2. This is an abnormal chromosome that would cause congenital anomalies if transmitted to the developing foetus.

  3. This rearrangement might cause chromosomal imbalance in developing foetus and could explain multiple miscarriages.

  4. This rearrangement might cause dicentric or acentric chromosomes in developing foetus, which would probably not be compatible with survival of the developing foetus.

Correct Option: C

This is a pericentric inversion. Crossing over within the inversion loop would lead to duplication and deficiency of parts of chromosome 8, which might cause congenital anomalies.

A 5 year old boy with developmental delay is seen for evaluation. He has microcephaly, and his parents note that his birth weight was low. There is no known family history of similar problems. As routine karyotype is normal. His parents ask if there are additional cytogenetic tests that can be offered. What would be the suggestion to them?

  1. The chromosome study should be repeated in another laboratory.

  2. A normal karyotype rules out all detectable chromosomal abnormalities.

  3. The boy should have FISH analysis for all known microdeletions.

  4. Analysis for subtelomere deletion may detect an abnormality missed by convential chromosomal analysis.

Correct Option: D

Subtelomere analysis does offer a possibility to detect an abnormality that was not seen by conventional cytogenetic analysis.

A couple is planning to have their first child and request to speak with a genetic counselor. The woman explains that she had a sister who died in childhood with Down syndrome. There is no other family history of the condition. What is the most appropriate counseling for them?

  1. Down syndrome is generally infrequent, so there is no increased risk to this couple.

  2. If her sister's karyotype analysis cannot be done, the woman herself should have chromosomal analysis.

  3. The pregnancy of the woman will be screened in the second trimester using alphafetoprotein, bhCG, and unconjugated estriol, which will be sufficient to detect Down syndrome, if it has occurred.

  4. The couple should obtain prenatal diagnosis by chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis.

Correct Option: B

Although it is most likely that the sister with Down syndrome had trisomy 21, and she had a translocation, and the woman herself could be a carrier. This could be resolved either by obtaining a report of the sister's karyotype or performing chromosomal analysis on the woman.

A chorionic villus sample is tested cytogenetically and found to have trisomy 15. This is followed up with a normal amniocentesis. Which interpretation is drawn?

  1. The fetus likely has trisomy 15, and maternal cell contamination probably explains the normal amniocensis.

  2. The fetus will likely be normal, and confined placental mosaicism probably explains the abnormal CVS result.

  3. The fetus should be tested uniparental disomy of chromosome 15, given the risk of Prader -Willi or Angelman syndromes.

  4. The abnormal CVS is probably due to pseudomosaicism and the fetus is likely to be normal.

Correct Option: C

It is possible that the conceptus had trisomy 15, and that disomy was restored by loss of one 15. This could have resulted in uniparental disomy, which would lead to Prader-Willi or Angelman syndrome.

A couple went for molecular testing for prenatal diagnosis of an autosomal recessive trait. The haplotype in coupling with the mutation is found in both of them by analysis of the parents and the affected child. The analysis of chorionic villus tissue from the developing embryo reveals that the embryo inherited only the maternal haplotype in coupling with the mutation. The counselling to them would be

  1. The child will be a carrier.

  2. The child will be affected if recombination takes place in the father only.

  3. The child will be homozygous unaffected if recombination takes place in the mother.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Yes, all the statements are correct.

Clinical validity is a measure of

  1. the likelihood that a mutation stated to be present is in fact present

  2. the likelihood that identification of a mutation correctly predicts presence or absence of disease

  3. the likelihood that a mutation test will successfully identify a pathogenic mutation

  4. the likelihood that an identified mutation is pathogenic vs. a benign variant

Correct Option: B

Clinical validity is the likelihood that a mutation correctly predicts the presence or absence of disease.

Which of the following types of mutations is not be expected to be detected in a molecular diagnostic test that is based on sequencing each exon of a gene in genomic DNA from a male suspected of having a X-linked disorder?

  1. Missense mutation

  2. Nonsense mutation

  3. Deletion of an exon

  4. Inversion of part of the gene

Correct Option: D

An inversion of part of the gene would not cause the exons to be absent or missing, and the sequencing reaction would not reveal that the exons are no longer arranged in the proper order on genomic DNA.

A sequence-based molecular diagnostic test reveals that an affected child has a missense mutation in a gene known to be associated with a dominantly-inherited disorder. The child is the first member of the family to be affected, and the disorder is associated with complete penetrance. The mutation has never been seen before, either in affected individuals or in controls. Which of the following would be the most powerful evidence that the mutation is pathogenic?

  1. Test both parents to see if the mutation is found only in the child.

  2. Determine whether the mutation affects an amino acid that is conserved in evolution.

  3. Examine the structure of the protein to see if the mutation has a major effect on protein function or not.

  4. Review the literature to see if the mutation has been reported to be pathogenic.

Correct Option: A

The child is expected to have a new mutation, given that the disorder displays complete penetrance and both parents are unaffected. Therefore, it would predict that the mutation would not be found in either parent (although germline mosaicism would be possible).

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