Transportation in Animals and Plants-III

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From which part of a plant does maximum loss of water through transpiration take place?

  1. Lenticles

  2. Cuticle

  3. Stomata

  4. Rhizoids

Correct Option: C

Which of the following is a process in which water is lost in the form of water vapours in plants?

  1. Respiration

  2. Guttation

  3. Exosmosis

  4. Transpiration

Correct Option: D

The passage of water across a selectively permeable membrane is called

  1. active transport

  2. osmosis

  3. facilitated diffusion

  4. endocytosis

Correct Option: B

The passage of water across a selectively permeable membrane is called osmosis.

Xylem channels of which of the following plant parts possess the lowest water potential?

  1. Stem

  2. Root

  3. Leaves

  4. Root hairs

Correct Option: C

The drooping of leaves due to loss of turgor pressure at noon and recovery in the evening is called

  1. temporary wilting

  2. incipient wilting

  3. permanent wilting

  4. midday desiccation

Correct Option: A

The drooping of leaves due to loss of turgor pressure at noon and recovery in the evening is called temporary wilting.

Which of the following is a function of hairs present on the leaf surface?

  1. To reduce transpiration

  2. To prevent guttation

  3. To enhance gaseous exchange

  4. To prevent gaseous exchange

Correct Option: A

Which of the following is a cause of root pressure?

  1. Osmotic flow of water into the xylem

  2. Loss of water from the xylem

  3. Low water potential of leaves

  4. High water potential of leaves

Correct Option: A

Which of the following is not a function of transpiration?

  1. Translocation of minerals

  2. Excretion of sap

  3. Ascent of sap

  4. Cooling

Correct Option: B

In mammals, the urea is transported by

  1. blood plasma

  2. erythrocytes

  3. haemoglobin

  4. leucocytes

Correct Option: C

In mammals, the urea is transported by haemoglobin.

Heart of a fish is special because

  1. it has no blood at all

  2. it only has arterial blood

  3. it only has venous blood

  4. it has partly arterial and partly venous blood

Correct Option: C

Heart of a fish is special because it only has venous blood.

Which of the following phenomenon is related to active water absorption?

  1. Transpiration

  2. Root pressure

  3. Osmotic pressure

  4. Exudation

Correct Option: B

Mammalian erythrocytes have short lifespan due to absence of

  1. endoplasmic recticulum

  2. mitochondria

  3. nucleus

  4. golgi complex

Correct Option: C

Mammalian erythrocytes have short lifespan due to absence of nucleus.

Which of the following statements is true?

  1. All veins carry deoxygenated blood.

  2. All arteries carry oxygenated blood.

  3. All veins except one carry oxygenated blood.

  4. All arteries except one carry oxygenated blood .

Correct Option: D

Blood capillaries are made of

  1. endothelium, connective tissue and muscle fibres

  2. endothelium and muscles fibres

  3. endothelium and connective tissue

  4. endothelium only

Correct Option: D

Blood capillaries are made of endothelium only.

Arteries are

  1. thin walled and blood flows under diminished pressure

  2. thick walled and blood flows under high pressure

  3. thin walled and blood flows under high pressure

  4. thick walled and blood flows under diminished pressure

Correct Option: B

Stimulation of the vagus nerve will make the heart beat

  1. faster

  2. 40 times/min

  3. slower

  4. normal

Correct Option: C

A man will be unconscious if the blood supply to the brain is stopped for more than

  1. 2 seconds

  2. 5 seconds

  3. 10 seconds

  4. 30 seconds

Correct Option: B

An antigen is

  1. opposite of an antibody

  2. residue of an antibody

  3. stimulus for antibody formation

  4. result of antibody

Correct Option: C

Which blood group does not have any antigen but possesses both a and b antibodies?

  1. A

  2. O

  3. B

  4. AB

Correct Option: B

If the heart is cut out from the body of a frog

  1. it will continue beating for a long time if it is kept moist

  2. it will continue beating for a long time if it is kept dry

  3. it will not beat at all

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: A
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